Monday, May 18, 2020

What is FILES of records in DBMS? explain in details. Also explain operation on files


l  A file is a sequence  of records, where each record is a collection of data values (or data items).

l  A file descriptor  (or file header ) includes information that describes the file, such as the field names  and their data types, and the addresses of the file blocks on disk.

l  Records are stored on disk blocks. The blocking factor bfr for a file is the (average) number of file records stored in a disk block.

l  A file can have fixed-length  records or variable-length  records.

Operation on Files

       Typical file operations include:

l  OPEN: Readies the file for access, and associates a pointer that will refer to a current  file record at each point in time.

l  FIND: Searches for the first file record that satisfies a certain condition, and makes it the current file record.

l  FINDNEXT: Searches for the next file record (from the current record) that satisfies a certain condition, and makes it the current file record.

l  READ: Reads the current file record into a program variable.

l  INSERT: Inserts a new record into the file, and makes it the current file record.

l  DELETE: Removes the current file record from the file, usually by marking the record to indicate that it is no longer valid.

l  MODIFY: Changes the values of some fields of the current file record.

l  CLOSE: Terminates access to the file.

l  REORGANIZE: Reorganizes the file records. For example, the records marked deleted are physically removed from the file or a new organization of the file records is created.

l  READ_ORDERED: Read the file blocks in order of a specific field of the file.

Unordered Files
l  Also called a heap or a pile  file.

l  New records are inserted at the end of the file.

l  To search for a record, a linear search  through the file records is necessary. This requires reading and searching half the file blocks on the average, and is hence quite expensive.

l  Record insertion is quite efficient.

l  Reading the records in order of a particular field requires sorting the file records.

Ordered Files
l  Also called a sequential file.

l  File records are kept sorted by the values of an ordering field.

l  Insertion is expensive: records must be inserted in the correct order. It is common to keep a separate unordered overflow  (or transaction ) file for new records to improve insertion efficiency; this is periodically merged with the main ordered file.

l  A binary search  can be used to search for a record on its ordering field value. This requires reading and searching log2 of the file blocks on the average, an improvement over linear search.

l  Reading the records in order of the ordering field is quite efficient.
                                                              Figure 1 Ordered Files

Hashed files Hashing for disk files is called External Hashing. To continue read about HASHING or HASHED FILES visit my blogger site


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